A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Henry: How fast does time fly!?

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It’s Monday night and here I am sitting at my desk typing away at my laptop.

Work has been piling up as university has gone by, but I still can’t comprehend that we’re in Week 11 now. It’s such a scary thought knowing I started university not that long ago, and here I am, almost finishing off my first semester of university!

This first semester has been a rollercoaster for me, yet I have enjoyed every bit of it. Whether I’m joining clubs (I’m now a part of the Economics Student Society of Australia) or learning new content in my degree, the experience of university life has definitely opened my eyes to what Monash has in-store for me in the future!

Though I’m not looking forward to the upcoming exams (I’m looking at you, 6pm exam), I’m definitely looking forward to the break, where I can catch up with my friends and finally relax. I should also catch up on sleep during the break, too, since I’ve slowly turned into an owl during this semester!

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