Business As Usual

A blog by Monash Business students

Student Bios

Jessica Sumarno

Jessica Sumarno

Bachelor of Commerce (Scholars Program)
Hello! My name is Jessica and I’m currently in my first year of A Bachelor of Commerce, which I am doing through the Scholars Program. After experiencing my first semester of a few Commerce units, I’m hoping to transfer to Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Actuarial Science – still undecided on my major.
I am definitely enjoying the freedom university has to offer. I have engaged in a few extracurricular activities held by Non-Residential Colleges and the Monash Photography Club; I am also a subcommittee member of the Monash Actuarial Student Society.
Outside of university, I love cooking, watching MasterChef, exploring the nooks and crannies of Melbourne and doing arts and crafts projects (although very rarely).
University has been an amazing experience for me so far, and I’m looking to providing informative and entertaining blog entries for you all!

Anthony Lo

Anthony Lo

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Honours)
Hi everyone! I’m Anthony and I’m currently in my third year studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Honours). Majoring in Accounting in my Commerce degree, I also specialise in Secondary Education and am passionate about correcting disadvantage in the education system.
At uni, I’m currently Treasurer of the Education Students’ Association (ESA) and Assistant Treasurer at the Korean Appreciation Student Association (KASA). This year, I’m also lucky enough to be part of the Monash Business School Student Ambassador Program and Centaurus College (a non-residential college).
Apart from uni and work, I love keeping fit and getting outdoors and exploring new places (while getting some sweet Instagram shots too :P ).
The best thing about university is the freedom and how you can get involved through so many different opportunities available to students.

Nick Burgin

Nick Burgin

Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Arts
Hi there! My name is Nick. I am a fourth year student studying a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and Bachelor of Arts (Politics).
This year has certainly been a hectic one for me, with full time university commitments, an internship with Monash Business School and part-time work at Liquorland.
When I’m not run off my feet with all these commitments, you’ll find me on the tennis courts playing a very sub-par game against friends.

LiAnn Tang

LiAnn Tang

Bachelor of Banking and Finance
Hi, I'm LiAnn and I’m currently a second year Bachelor of Banking and Finance student.
Last year, I started off studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in law. I originally chose that degree because everyone told me to, but as cliche as it sounds, you should always do what you feel is best. I was always afraid of what people would think of me, and to be honest, that's always going to be at the back of our minds, but we shouldn’t have to base our decisions on it.
Outside of uni, I love lifting heavy things. My goal this year is to smash as many PRs as I can - 100k squat, where you at?

Natalie Kuo

Natalie Kuo

Bachelor of Comemrce and Bachelor of Arts
Hi, my name is Natalie.
I’m a 4th year student studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts double degree, which I have been doing through the Scholars Program. Under Arts, I major in Communications and minor in Human Rights and in my Commerce degree, I am majoring in Econometrics and Business Statistics.
After having an admittedly lousy first year at university, I have since really thrown myself into extra-curricular activities. For instance, I have been actively involved in the social justice club, VGen, World Vision’s youth movement, becoming Club Secretary in 2014 and this year re-joining the committee as the Communications Officer. I am really excited to share my experiences with you!

Cindy Vang

Cindy Vang

Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
Hi! I’m Cindy and currently in my second year of my double degree in the Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance). After high school, I was lost and the picture I had in mind of the future was still a blur, which may be why I changed courses three times in my first year! Besides the early mornings, lonely breaks and long train rides to and from campus, I enjoy the independence of being in uni more than ever!
I’ve reached out to multiple programs that Monash offers to ease my transition into uni, including the BusEco Ambassador Program and our Non-residential colleges. Not only was I able to enhance my leadership and interpersonal skills, I was lucky enough to meet some of the friendliest people and have made so many great memories from these programs.
When I’m not at uni, I try to relax by learning new songs on my guitar or by making plans with friends, because don’t we all need a social life? I also work a lot at my part-time job.

Nikki Vu

Nikki Vu

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts (Global)
Hello! My name is Nikki and I am a third year student studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts (Global) double degree, majoring in International Commerce and International Studies.
I am currently involved in several clubs and societies, so do not be surprised to see me running around frantically between club stalls during Orientation Week or university events. At the moment, I am the Human Resource Director for the Vietnamese’ Students Association (VSA Monash) and I am part of the human resource team for the University Network of Investment and Trading (UNIT Monash) club. I have also joined Monash SEED (Socio-Economic Engagement & Development) for Semester 1, 2016 as a non-travelling Cambodia Impact member. Monash SEED focuses on microfinance and social enterprises, which I am eager to learn about and be involved in!
Lastly, if there’s one thing you should know about me then it’s that during my free time, I shamelessly binge through seasons of television shows in ridiculous time frames. If you haven’t gathered already, I have a serious case of FOMO (fear of missing out) and knowing when to say no to the next episode of a television show about vigilantes, suave lawyers or dragons.

Dana Kindler

Dana Kindler

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science
Hi, I'm Dana and I'm in my final semester of a Commerce/Science double degree, majoring in marketing and developmental biology.
I am an active member of the CCA and MMSS at Clayton, and I also volunteer with Monash MOVE. The semester I spend abroad in Singapore was probably the highlight of my degree so far!
I enjoy traveling, socialising, going to see live music and endlessly browsing reddit. I am also currently completing an internship with the Monash Business School marketing and recruitment

Paigi Chen

Paigi Chen

Bachelor of Commerce
Hi, I’m Paigi. I am in my second year of a Bachelor of Commerce and I’m thinking of majoring in accounting and finance.
I’m the Marketing Officer for the KASA (Korean Appreciation Student Association) committee at Monash and I’m also a Monash Business School ambassador, so you might see me at Open Day or other Business School events!
During my free time I love keeping fit and healthy. I regularly do pilates (search for Blogilates on YouTube!), visit the 1000 Steps and I also like to try out new smoothie combinations.

Nastashia Law

Nastashia Law

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Law
Hello, my name is Nastashia and I am from Malaysia. I am currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Law and Commerce double degree, majoring in Accounting.
This year I am involved in the BusEco PAL program, where I get to be a Monash Business School ambassador as well as mentor first year students. This program has definitely helped me meet some great people and boost my confidence. Other clubs that I have joined this year include CCA, FMAA and MASA, which are also great ways to network and to learn some tips off professionals in various workshops that are organised.
Academic stuff aside, being an international student means settling in is not always easy, but the Overseas Christian Fellowship has played a big role in making me feel at home. We meet weekly and have great group activities together, which is great. With all the volunteering opportunities the awesome people I have met over the years, university life has so far been a great experience!

Henry Truong

Henry Truong

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Hi there, my name is Henry and I’m a first-year student studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Biomedical Science double degree. For my Commerce degree, I plan on majoring in either Economics or Finance.
As of now, I am an Access Monash Ambassador and I’m also a part of the Non-Residential Colleges. I’m definitely looking forward to involving myself and taking advantage of all the opportunities at uni!
In my spare time, I enjoy being active by playing basketball, cycling and tennis. I also enjoy going for long runs around my neighbourhood!

Cynthia Vu

Cynthia Vu

Bachelor of Commerce
Hi, I'm Cynthia! I'm currently in my third year studying a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Finance, Economics and Econometrics. I was part of the Monash Business School’s Ambassador Program this year, as well as being a college advisor for Orion College. I'm also involved with the Economics Student Society of Australia (ESSA) and the Korean Appreciation Student Association (KASA).
In my spare time, I work part-time and try to keep the stress down by shopping, watching shows and going to the gym!

Kalidu Wijesundara

Kalidu Wijesundara

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
As a third year law/commerce student who loves getting involved in the many opportunities Monash offers, there is never a dull day at university. I am very passionate about the law, law enforcement and politics, and I hope to enter legal practice (with aspirations to become a judicial officer) or law enforcement.
When I am not at university attending lectures or studying, I love socialising with my friends and watching and playing sport – particularly cricket and AFL. I also love watching crime/drama shows (especially NCIS).
I am currently studying at the University of Leeds (UK) as a part of a Monash Abroad exchange program and I hope to share my experiences with you.

Joy Pasukov

Joy Pasukov

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Hello! My name is Joy and I'm currently in my fourth year studying a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Finance. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after uni so this degree was perfect for me, as it keeps my options open in the fields I'm interested in.
In my time at uni, I've been involved in student clubs as well as Monash Business School opportunities, such as AIESEC Monash, and the Ambassador Program and Leaders Program. Out of uni, I work part-time, keep active and I just love to sing and socialise!

Mira Cho

Mira Cho

Bachelor of Business
Hi there, my name is Mira Cho and I am from South Korea. I already have a degree in public administration in South Korea, but after working at Prudential Life Insurance, I decided I wanted to go back to university and study Business.
At the time, one of my friends was in Melbourne so I originally visited Melbourne while travelling. While I was visiting, I realised what a great city it was, which is why I’m back here to study.
I am currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Business, majoring in accounting. Even though my major is accounting, I am also taking management and marketing subjects to expand my business knowledge and network with other students. I am also involved in many activities at uni, including the PAL Program, volunteer work and seminars, which is why I chose Monash over the other universities. There are many programs available that not only focus on academic studies, but also provide students with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and become more inspired through the programs and events.

Mangala Prasetia

Mangala Prasetia

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics
Hi there, I’m Mangala. Although I am of Chinese descent, my birthplace is Jakarta, Indonesia and my name is derived from Sanskrit, the language of traditional Indians. Evidently, my parents wanted me to be multicultural.
I am currently in my first year of a double degree in Commerce and Economics, as part of the Dean’s Scholars Program. I am majoring in Actuarial studies and Accounting as I haven’t quite decided whether my dream job is to be an actuarial consultant or a tax auditor.
I am involved in a number of activities on campus. Currently, I am a subcommittee member of the Monash Actuarial Students’ Society and I’m also part of the Non-Residential Colleges and the Indonesian Students Association.
One of my biggest passions (aside from card magic) is leadership, and I’m currently involved in the Monash Minds Leadership Program and PWC Student Leadership Program. I am still lost for words at the number of extracurricular opportunities available at Monash – for me, clubs and activities have played a key role in making the transition from high school to university. The students at Monash are also so welcoming as well and they’re willing to help in any way they can, which has made my first year experience at Monash so much less daunting!

Katelyn Gregory

Katelyn Gregory

Bachelor of Business
Hi, my name is Katelyn. I'm currently a second-year Bachelor of Business student, majoring in Accounting and Banking & Finance.
I love playing netball, cooking, hanging out with friends and reading a good book in my spare time. I'm also involved in a few programs with the uni, and have made so many new friends, which is amazing!

Jess Lan

Jess Lan

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts
Hi there, my name is Jess! I’m in my final semester of a Commerce/Arts double degree, majoring in Marketing and Psychology, and minoring in Communications. I’ve even done a few electives on Music Ensembles, and I’m very excited to know what’s waiting out there once I graduate!
I study full time and have worked part-time throughout my degree. I am also one of the Leaders for the Peer-Ambassador-Leaders (PAL) Program. And in my spare time, I do some volunteer work or go out for brunch with my friends.
Being a university student can be tough, but I love what I do and having fun, which keeps me going through all the busy days!

Kit Lo

Kit Lo

Bachelor of Business
Hi there, I’m Kit and I’m from Hong Kong. I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in marketing communication and sports management. Sounds boring? Not at all!
I am currently interning at Monash University with the marketing and student recruitment team, where I’m hoping that I’ll gain practical experience and networking opportunities in the field of marketing. Being able to gain industry experience will be a huge boost for my career after I graduate. Not to mention all the cupcakes, sausage rolls and coffee I had for my first day!

Nethmi Buddhasiri

Nethmi Buddhasiri

Bachelor of Business (Management) and Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
My name is Nethmi and I’m a third year student at Monash studying a Bachelor of Business (Management)/Bachelor of Business (Marketing). Coming out of year 12, I had a really clear view of what I wanted to do as a career. And three years later, I’m even more passionate about the Marketing industry and everything related to it, whether it’s product development, logistics or advertising.
Outside of University, I’m a style blogger and fashion is my second love! My ideal career would be to combine marketing with fashion, whether it means acting as a Marketing Officer or in Brand Management for a fashion brand such as Chanel (a girl can dream!) or even starting my own brand and company.
Monash has completely transformed me as a person. Coming into University, I was quiet and shy, but through through various leadership programs – such as BusEco Ambassadors – I have been able to form friendships with other students at University that will last a lifetime, and I have become confident in the way I approach things. I’m also currently volunteering with AIME to educate disadvantaged Indigenous students across Victoria to achieve their dreams, which is an extremely rewarding experience.

Tarsha Mohan

Tarsha Mohan

Bachelor of Business
Hi, I’m Tarsha and I’m currently in my third year of a business degree, majoring in management and marketing.
Initially, I actually started out doing a double degree in arts and education. However, after being uncertain about that particular pathway, I decided to change courses. I’m glad I made the change, though, as marketing is definitely where I’d like to find a job.
I’m also currently interning with the marketing and recruitment team at Monash Uni, which I think will be a great opportunity to gain some practical and industry experience.

Becky Huang

Becky Huang

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science
Hi there! I'm Becky and currently in my second year of my Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science double degree. Coming out of high school, I had absolutely no idea what to do, but a double degree has opened up a range of opportunities for me and allowed me to explore my interests.
During my time at university, I have involved myself in various leadership programs such as the BusEco Ambassador Program and Future Science Leaders Program. I am also part of the student committee for AIESEC Monash, helping to provide international internship and volunteering opportunities for youth. These programs have helped me develop and nurture my leadership skills, which can be challenging at times. But along the way, I have made so many new friends and very memorable experiences that will stay with me for a lifetime.
Outside of uni, I'm a self-proclaimed ‘foodie’ with a goal to eat my way through Melbourne and around the world!

Siva Lestari

Siva Lestari

Bachelor of Business
Hi, I’m Siva! I’ve just finished my Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in banking and finance, and two years at university wasn’t long enough.
During my time at Monash, I learnt and grew a lot, but I’m excited for the journey and challenges ahead. At uni, I opened myself up to volunteering opportunities and met so many new people, which were some of the things that I loved most about university life. I also love helping out as much as I can, as it brings a lot of happiness.

Kim Giuffre

Kim Giuffre

Bachelor of Business Administration
My name is Kimberley Giuffre. I am studying a Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in Marketing. This is my second year and I am loving it! This course is a great start for anyone interested in business.
In my time at Monash, I have volunteered as a student ambassador for Open Day at the Berwick campus, which was a great way to meet new people and share my experiences. Outside of university I work quite a lot at my part-time job, and I also enjoy exploring new places with my family and friends in my spare time!

Sahil Lobo

Sahil Lobo

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
I’m currently completing my third year, studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Laws, majoring in Finance. Whilst the degree isn’t reflective of the subjects I studied in high school, it’s allowed me to have the perfect mix of challenge, academic curiosity, enjoyment and (sometimes) satisfaction during my time at uni.
This year I’m serving as the Treasurer of the Financial Management Association of Australia (FMAA). This has been a great way to increase my career awareness, as well as involvement in business-related activities. I have also been involved at the Global Consulting Group in consulting and functional roles, and represented Monash as an Open Day Ambassador in 2014.
Outside of uni, I work part-time and try to keep my fitness up by running and exercising regularly.

Paolo De Leon

Paolo De Leon

Bachelor of Business
My name is Paolo De Leon. I am studying a Bachelor of Business with majors in Marketing & Communication and Business Strategy.
I am in my third year of study and in that time I have participated in a number of leadership roles, such as: Secretary and Treasurer for the Peninsula Business Student Society, Business & Economics Ambassador and Leader and also an Access Monash Ambassador.
Outside of university, I enjoy going to the gym, reading books and spending time with family and friends.

Gerard Papas

Gerard Papas

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law
I’m a third year student at Monash studying a Commerce and Law double degree.
While at uni, I have been a Monash Extension Ambassador, which has given me a greater appreciation of what it means to be a student at Monash and the immense opportunities available to me. Being a member of the Law Students Society (LSS) has been very useful in putting my law skills to the test in mooting and negotiation competitions, as well as making the most of the student tutorials and study notes on offer. I also work as a note taker for students with disabilities, which is very rewarding and inspiring!
In my spare time, I love to ride my bike.

Brittni Dienhoff

Brittni Dienhoff

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law
My name is Brittni Dienhoff and I am in my third year studying a double degree of Commerce and Law. Although I am not even half way through my degree yet, I am thoroughly enjoying both disciplines and am loving how they test and challenge me in different and interesting ways.
During my time at university so far I have been involved in a variety of activities including the Access Monash program, the BusEco PAL program as well as other faculty activities, including mooting. I am also currently in the middle of applying for exchange for semester 2!
Outside of university I have including playing and watching sport, cooking and of course, socialising.

Pascal Ah Yu

Pascal Ah-Yu

Bachelor of Business
I am in my last year of a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in Economics and Finance. My degree has been helpful in helping me specialise my knowledge and abilities for the Professional Services Industry in small to medium business, and I am aiming to enter the Private Client Corporate Advisory world once I’ve completed my degree.
I am a soccer and golf lifesaving enthusiast, to say the least. My aim in life is to build the necessary skills and experience to be able to bring a positive change to any community and help build a prospective and bright future for the younger generations.

Damien Gunatillake

Damien Gunatillake

Bachelor of Business Administration
I’m Damien and I’m currently in my second year studying a Bachelor of Business Administration at the Berwick Campus, majoring in Accounting. In my free time, I enjoy working and catching up with friends.
I love getting involved at Monash. Last year, I was an Ambassador at Monash Open Day and I was on the Monash Union of Berwick Students (or for short, MUBS) committee as a Communication Officer. I am currently employed by the university as a PASS Leader in Introduction to Management, which involves me being a mentor and guiding students to successfully completing first year units. Alongside this, I am an Ambassador for Monash Business School and I am also the President of the Ink Student Magazine

April Stok

April Stok

Bachelor of Business Administration
My name is April and I'm a first year Bachelor of Business Administration student at the Berwick campus, majoring in economics and finance.
Throughout the year, I’ve been a student representative for my course (it’s pretty new, so I’ve been helping spread the word) and I am also part of the Monash Entrepreneurs Club. When I’m not studying, I work at my part-time job and love to go out with my friends!

Cass Siarabalos

Cass Siarabalos

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law
My name is Cass and I am currently in my fourth year studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Law, majoring in Finance. I was initially studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Arts, but realised fairly quickly that the Arts wasn’t for me and was fortunate enough to transfer into Commerce and Law. This is my favourite thing about university; the endless options available.
During high school, doing Law at university seemed impossible due to high entrance requirements, but it was surprisingly achievable with hard work and determination, of course! I believe the most important thing about uni life is maintaining balance, so as well as uni, I work part-time, play soccer and still make time for my friends on the weekend!

Phyllis Pan

Phyllis Pan

Bachelor of Commerce (Scholars Program) and Bachelor of Economics
My name is Phyllis, and I am a second year student, majoring in Accounting, Economics, and Finance.
My favourite part of uni is being involved with student clubs; I'm the Treasurer of the Society for Anime and Manga Appreciation (SAMA), but also a General Representative on the Clubs & Societies Executive, which means I get to oversee and interact with all the different clubs on campus. I also participate in the gymnastics club, though I’m still just a beginner!
My hobbies include watching TV, playing video games, and making stuff on Photoshop.

Adrian Crosland

Adrian Crosland

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics
I'm Adrian and I'm in my final year of a Commerce/Economics double degree, majoring in both Finance and Econometrics. Back in high-school I would never have pictured myself studying what I am now because I'd never studied anything business-related before. But taking the plunge into these areas is one of the best decisions I've made!
This year I'm a student member of the Business and Commerce Students Society (BCSS), which has been very handy for professional development and networking events. The odd social event is also quite nice to break up a hectic semester! I'm also involved in the PAL Leaders Program - which involves things like seminars on leadership, working on a group project and participating in the Cranlana Colloquium at the start of the year.
But my life doesn't solely revolve around uni. I love keeping up to date with the latest movies and don't mind spending a bit of time in the kitchen either!

Josh Reeves

Josh Reeves

Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
I am currently completing my 3rd year at Monash, and thanks to a six month intermission and the undertaking of a variety of subjects, including Spanish and units from the Science Faculty, my future career direction has been formed.
I have been a MONSU beach day leader twice during orientation week and am currently interning at the university with the Marketing and Recruitment Group. Outside of university, I help run a not-for-profit organisation called 'Small Help, Big Hope', love to surf, socialise and try new things (I am currently training in mixed martial arts).

Sonia Sadrani

Sonia Sadrani

Bachelor of Business
Hi all, my name is Sonia and I'm in my last year at Monash studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Business Law and Economics. I have been involved with the BusEco PAL program as an Ambassador in 2013, a Leader in 2014, and I also volunteer with Monash Abroad when given the opportunity (to encourage people to include exchange in their studies).
In my spare time I work part-time, travel the world, and eat and bake as much as I can.

Julia Thorpe

Julia Thorpe

Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and Bachelor of Business (Management)
Hey lovely people, my name’s Julia and I am a 3rd year Marketing/Management student. I came to Monash not knowing a single person and have since found an entire army of friends who are exactly like me!
I am really enjoying the marketing side of my degree and am very excited for the upcoming Marketing Ball run by MMSS. I am also very passionate about volunteering. Through Monash I was put in touch with VESA and at the end of last year I spent 3 weeks helping out local communities in Ecuador. It truly was one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences of my life.

Valerie Bong

Valerie Bong

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts
I’m Val and I am in my fourth and final semester at Monash University. When I first started my four-year degree, graduating seemed ages away! But my time at Monash has literally flown by, leaving me with some great and memorable experiences. Some highlights include: going to Leeds University last semester on exchange, being an official photographer for MMSS and, now interning with the Marketing Services team at Monash!
In my spare time I love going to art galleries, having brunch, taking photos for my blog, BigPictureStuff, and exploring hidden laneways in Melbourne.

Antony Purwono

Antony Purwono

Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Arts
I’m Antony (that’s right, no h’s) and I’m in my third year of Arts/Economics, majoring in International Studies and Economics. Taking a multi-dimensional double degree that allows me to explore my principle interests in economics, foreign affairs, climate change and human rights makes uni life challenging and enjoyable!
I also serve as the Publications Director of the Economics Student Society of Australia and Amnesty Monash. At both societies, I invigorate my nerd-adrenaline by working with a team of writers to produce regular articles about economics and human rights respectively. When I’m not rushing around at uni, you can probably find me at a stand-up gig or staying up late to watch my beloved Arsenal F.C conquer European football.

Chloe Jacob

Chloe Jacob

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
I’ve just started the second semester of my third year at Monash Uni. Many people have questioned my choice of a double degree of aerospace engineering and commerce but I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Both degrees have stretched me in different ways and provided an opportunity to meet lots of people. I’m a proud member of Monash Motorsport, an engineering program that designs and builds race cars. If you haven’t picked up that huge hint, I’m a bit of a rev head. When I’m not watching the Formula 1, I’m either playing club basketball, getting involved in Student Life activities or catching up with friends. Brunches are a weakness of mine combining my passion for sleep-ins and good food!

Molly Cooke

Molly Cooke

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
I’m a first year Commerce/Law student at Monash and I’m really excited to start my degree as I have always wanted to study Commerce and major in Economics, which was my favourite subject in year 12. I’m also looking forward to getting involved in a few different clubs and societies at Monash and meeting new people through them, but I’m yet to decide which ones to join. After studying Australian Politics in year 12 I know I’m bound to join a political group – I just don’t know which one!

Annabel Brandner

Annabel Brandner

Bachelor of Business
Year 12 was such a fun year for me as there were a lot of things ending and lots of new things beginning for me. I am the type of person who enjoys changes and new experiences, which is why I am looking forward to studying a Business course at a place like Monash. In year 12 I studied a range of subjects like Further Maths, English and Biology as well as my two favourites Economics and Business Management. Although I made my studies a priority I also participated in school rowing so I could have a good balance between study and staying fit and healthy.

Tom Weston

Tom Weston

Bachelor of Commerce (Scholars Program) and Bachelor of Economics
I’m about to start my fourth year, majoring in Economics, Econometrics and Marketing, but I intend do honours afterwards.
I'm a country kid and had to relocate three hours to Melbourne so I stayed on campus for two years at Richardson Hall and have since lived in share houses. I was heavily involved with the Richardson Hall Society in terms of event committees, sports teams and musical performances (my main hobbies include playing soccer and the guitar). I mentor/tutor a few year 12 students through Access Monash Ambassadors and I am currently working on creating a society for the Dean’s Scholars Commerce Group (hopefully getting accreditation this year).

William Vien

William Vien

Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
This year I am starting my third year at uni, where I am involved a lot with FMAA Monash (Financial Management Association of Australia). I am also a Peer Mentor this year and I have also been involved with the Faculty as an Ambassador and Mentor to new students in 2013. I really enjoy playing and watching sports, including AFL, soccer and cricket! I follow Chelsea FC in the English Premier League and the Hawks in the AFL.

Ellie Harvey

Ellie Harvey

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics
I am in my fourth and final year of a double degree, doing a triple major in Economics, Finance and Marketing, and I love it all!
I am part of a plethora of university clubs and societies including the Business and Commerce Society, Economics Society, Marketing, Arts and so on. I have also completed the Business and Economics Ambassador program which was the highlight of my university life! I love to keep fit, dance, meet new people and socialise, read and write and work hard! I play basketball, athletics and dance.

Urvashi Goel

Urvashi Goel

Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Business (Management)
I'm a third year student at Monash studying Accounting, Management and HR. I have been a Monash Ambassador in the past, which has taught me a lot about the opportunities Monash has to offer. I also work at Monash Residential Services, which is accommodation for students who live on campus. I don't exactly have proper hobbies, but I love watching TV shows and going to the gym. Some of my favourite shows are Suits, Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl. After graduating uni, I hope to travel across Europe.

Jozh Ternola

Jozh Ternola

Bachelor of Business
My first name is not a typo. My parents just wanted me to be special.
I am currently in my last year, double majoring in Banking and Finance and Economics. I am part of MONSU as a general representative because I like to be flexible in terms of which departments I help out with. I am also part of the BusEco PAL program. Last year I completed the Ambassadors Program and this year I am starting with the Leaders Program. I also like to go to the gym.

Sarah Antioch

Sarah Antioch

Bachelor of Commerce
I’m in my fourth year, majoring in business law and human resource management. I currently hold several committee positions at Monash University. I was appointed by the academic affairs officer as a student representative of the Monash Academic Progress Committee (APC) in 2012. I am the vice president of the Monash Entrepreneur Committee and I am also the director of the Marketing Industry Development Scheme (MINDS). I have also gained invaluable work experience as a business analyst, policy and compliance advisor, marketing intern and promotions representative at several companies. I still make time to go to the gym, play netball, socialise at friends 21st and maintain a distinction average.

Julia Reed

Julia Reed

Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and Bachelor of Business (Management)
My name is Julia (or Jules to all my friends). I'm in the third year of a double degree in Marketing and Management and loving it so far. I'm looking forward to graduating mid-year next year and getting out into the workforce! In my spare time I love to seek out the cafe hot spots around Melbourne in search of the best brunch. I'm also huge fan of the fitness and well-being revolution.

Kim Vu

Kim Vu

Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Commerce
Hi, my name is Thien Kim Vu. I am from Vietnam and I am currently in my second year. I am a proud BusEco PAL 2014 ambassador and a Pom Pom dancer for the Monash Mystics 2014 Open University Pom team. My hobbies include babysitting my little brothers, dancing, playing piano, painting, drawing, cooking, swimming and doing Pilates.
The main goal of my life is to live healthily and happily, not only for myself but also for anyone who cares about me and put hope into me.

Marie Ankenbrand

Marie Ankenbrand

Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Global Arts and Diploma of Languages (Spanish)
I'm in my ninth and final semester of my degree, majoring in International Commerce. I've really been enjoying my degree as I have been able to choose subjects that I have found interesting. I also went to Pamplona, Spain to study for one semester abroad in 2012. This was definitely a highlight of my time at university and it was one of the best experiences I've had. I have also been involved in the PASS program as a Spanish PASS leader at Monash, which has also been a great aspect of my time at university.

Meizhu Chen

Meizhu Chen

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)
Nihao! I completed high school and a year and half of university in China before being accepted by Monash University. In second semester 2012, I went on exchange to the Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki, Finland) and travelled extensively throughout Europe. After returning to Australia, I started working with the Monash Global Engagement Department – Monash Abroad as a Global Officer, and set up the Monash Overseas and Exchange Club together with five other Global Officers.