A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Michael: It's Week Nine and I'm feeling fine?

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A wise man told me that university is a sea of opportunity; an institution that provides you with all the knowledge and necessary skills to become what you want to be. All University demands is a little bit of hard work and determination. Now that’s all well and good, but it’s week nine and the daunting feeling of those 40% assignments, not to mention exams around the corner, are making me feel like “a little bit of hard work and determination,” is not quite going to cut the monstrous effort of what I like to call the ‘final countdown’.

So as a third year student, you may think that I have it all down pat. A simple formula or elixir that keeps me ahead of the game and in the space I like to call “stress free,” when it comes down to crunch time.

Well, as I sit here at Monsu cafĂ©, I recall my first few years of uni and the non-stress free environment I lived in and how I ended up building towards a healthy habit to prepare for the end of semester. My advice to all my fellow students is to look at organising how you are going to expend your time these last few weeks. Check to see what hours you will devote to finishing major assignments and the consistent build up that will make up exam revision. Little by little, help turn that frown into a smile, as it is always the little things that add up to make the biggest difference. Also, remember to have fun. Enjoy the last few weeks of semester and have frequent breaks or, ‘me-time’ to reset yourself.

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