A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Dana: Never a dull day

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I can’t decide whether it feels like I’ve just started, or whether I’ve done so much that it feels like I’ve been here for months, but there’s never a dull moment with the Monash Business School Marketing and Recruitment Group!

At the start of this semester, I was lucky enough to be offered an internship position with the Marketing and Recruitment Group for Monash Business School, as part of the IBL program. It’s still early weeks, but so far, I’m loving it! (I promise they didn’t tell me to write that)

It’s been fascinating getting a look behind the scenes at Monash and seeing the whole process from the other side. I feel like I’m beginning to understand all the work that goes into branding, recruiting prospective students and making sure events go as planned.

Even though I’ve only been interning for a few weeks, I’m already working on a bunch of projects. I’ve been assisting with the organisation of Big Data Challenge day, which is a recruitment event targeting VCE students, and with the creation of a brochure for PhD studies.

Soon the other intern, Nick, and I will start working on our own things, which will include an Instagram project and some student profiling.

Can’t wait to tell you all about the things I get up to this week!

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