A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 19 April 2016

LiAnn: You vs You

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How has uni been? Yes, I know some of us are cringing at the evening exams, but I'm here to tell you, it's not really a big deal.

In about a couple of years, you are going to work. With that, you’re probably going to unfold a whole bunch of things that might sound like a lot of hard work. Late nights, work on weekends, deadlines so close to each other you swear your bosses hate you.

I read this article about how we have been blaming others for our misfortunes, and I admit that I do the same. Failed a test - blame it for being too difficult. Didn't get a job - blame the boss for being too picky. That's how we reassure ourselves it's not our fault.

After reading the article, I took a step back and looked at it from another perspective. What if it’s just the way things are meant to be? Maybe I didn’t meet the criteria? Pushing the blame onto others is not going to solve a problem, but addressing it and finding a way to overcome it will.

Accepting or admitting defeat is a hard thing for anyone to do. As human beings, we want to win all the dang time, and that's good because we want to be the best. It's like an asymptote graph – you are getting closer to your maximum potential, but never at it.

Well, strive to be YOUR best. Not getting it the first time is fine, use this as a motivation to go harder and stronger the next time.

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