A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Tom: Arriving in Brussels

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Finally here! After a horrendous flight with multiple delays I am finally in Brussels, and wow it’s cold. I arrived just after midday and took a train to my hotel where I met up with the rest of my team (some people came early and did some travel, but I’ve decided to travel after the conference). We had a few training sessions and then we headed out to dinner at an amazing Belgium waffle restaurant where they had both sweet and savoury waffles, which were absolutely amazing.

After dinner, we went to ‘Night Zero’, which is a social event held at a club in Brussels. There were over a thousand people from all four corners from the world and everyone was keen to hit it up so it was a really enjoyable night.

The next day was quite relaxing. We had a training session run by Harvard at an amazing venue and then ate some double-deep-fried Belgium chips for lunch. That night was the official opening ceremony and included keynote speakers, dancers and musical performers.

Now I’m just getting ready for dinner and another social event called ‘Global Village’ where delegations from various countries set up stalls to show off their national food and culture. It should be really fun! Hope all is well in the land of Aus.

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