A blog by Monash Business students

Monday 17 March 2014

Tom: Off to Brussels!

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Monash University is sending a delegation of 20 students to compete in the 2014 Harvard World Model UN and I’m lucky enough to be one of them. Monash has been assigned to represent the Republic of South Africa and I will be taking part in the World Bank Committee.

The conference runs for five days, and there are a whole bunch of social events planned for every night which should be great. Also, I’ve decided to stay in Europe for an extra week and meet up with a

friend in Amsterdam which I’m really excited about. However I can’t say that I’m looking forward to this 24 hour long trip from Melbourne to Brussels (stopping over at Abu Dhabi) or the 8 degree days in Brussels.

I will try my hardest to keep you all updated on how it goes!

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