A blog by Monash Business students

Friday 7 March 2014

Annabel: First tutorial tip - Ask for help!

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My second day included my first tutorial, which I made sure I allocated some extra time for so I could find the room and most likely get lost in the attempt to do so. I got myself to the correct building but as expected, I found myself completely lost somewhere on level six, when I needed to be on level four. Whilst descending the level six staircase I found someone else looking just as lost me who took the very awkward, but very necessary, initiative to ask for help.

When we found out we were in the same tutorial and looking for the same place, I became instantly relieved. Once again, I was reminded that everyone is feeling lost and confused and that I shouldn’t be afraid to go up to someone and introduce myself.

The actual tutorial began with the awkward ‘getting to know each other’ activities, which I soon found out was pretty common for a first tute.  We also had to complete a quiz in the Commerce Law tutorial, which I admit was a bit of a struggle having not done legal before. Although after asking my new friend, I learnt I wasn't alone with the little knowledge I had on the subject. 

The information about assessment tasks and due dates also helped clear any questions I had about the unit. I also learnt about this very important document known as the unit guide, which told me everything I needed to know for each unit - from how to contact tutors and lecturers, to requirements and assessment dates. Overall, the tutorial was more like a class at high school than the lectures, which made me feel a little bit more comfortable. It also allowed me to get to know people better as there was time for discussion. 

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