A blog by Monash Business students

Friday 14 March 2014

William: Uni tip - Don't leave things to the last minute

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The FMAA Corporate Cocktails was a really enjoyable and worthwhile night! I learnt a lot from the various firm representatives about their roles in their respective companies and also bits of advice that they could share with us as students. Unfortunately, due to the sheer volume of work I had going on, I didn’t end up attending the Institute of Chartered Accountants' Employment Evening.

Having said that, the workload for me has significantly increased in the past week. There’s been a greater focus on team work and group presentations this semester, more so than previous semesters. There are obvious challenges, like finding a suitable time and day to meet with other group members. But I’ve found that starting these types of assessment tasks early on and planning ahead means you will be on top of things (and that you won’t have to rush everything the night before!). I believe that the key to doing well at university is trying to stay on top of things and to always ask questions. It’s always better to ask if you’re unsure than remain silent.

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