A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 11 March 2014

William: Don't forget to network!

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Today was a relatively quiet day, with just a lecture and tutorial on investment banking. The lecture focused on mergers and acquisitions, which was new to me! So far, I'm enjoying the different content I’m learning in my four units - from M&As to issues like corporations in yesterday’s classes. It’s a good mix and so the content is never dull.

Tonight, I’m attending the FMAA Victoria Corporate Cocktails 2014 at Crown with a few uni friends! I’m hoping to gain a lot out of it - to hear different perspectives from firm representatives and to also get some of my questions answered. I’ve been to a few of these networking events before, and I think the more exposure I  get at these sorts of events will help with my communication and networking skills. I think it’s a really valuable experience, as talking to firm representatives is quite different from reading information online.

Later this week, I’m also planning to go to the Institute of Chartered Accountants' Employment Evening - which should be great. With so many firms out there (as well as students), it can be quite overwhelming where to begin - but these type of networking events are definitely a start!

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