A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Urvashi: In-class essay

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I woke up this morning feeling very tired and nervous because I had an in-class essay assessment later in the day. I thought I had heard the last of one-hour essays in Year 12, but Human Resource Management is all about reading and writing. I actually have an 8am lecture for HRM, but there was no way I would attend today - thankfully it’s a recorded lecture!

Before my class, I decided to sit in the quiet section of Caulfield library to have a quick read through my textbook, academic articles and cheat sheet. That section of the library is abnormally quiet, which was good.

Time went by really quickly and soon it was show time! Unfortunately my essay didn’t go according to the elaborate plan I had originally written up. But I did finish on time and the feeling of relief was amazing.

Now time to move along to the three other assessment tasks I have coming up. One of my assignments is worth 40% of my total mark, so I’m definitely going to start early for that!

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