A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Jozh: Mid Week Meat

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Wednesday. Wednesday means Mid Week Meat for me. MWM is the weekly BBQ that MONSU runs for students on the lawn.

Since we've got an event this week, MWM was accompanied by a few performing acts and a mechanical bull ride too! The environment had a very relaxed yet exciting vibe about it. As usual, I was the main cook for the BBQ, but I was glad to see the number of students wanting to participate and help out, so I gave them a few tasks to feel special.

After I helped cook the first batch of sausages, I had to go straight to my Investment Banking mid semester test. I was very nervous coming in to the test because of my lack of preparation. However, to my delight and relief, the questions that were asked were the questions I focused on. I guess I think like a lecturer.

After the test, I had a go at the mechanical bull to relieve my stress. Stress was definitely relieved since endorphins were rushing after that session. Furthermore, to keep the feel-good attitude, I did a little bit of exercise on the outdoor equipment between Building K and Building N. I really believe exercise key for a healthy and alert mind.

Today was a good day.

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