A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Jozh: Tuesday! What a day!

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Tuesday is my fullest day in the week with the most classes packed into it. I tried to distribute classes evenly throughout the week, however Allocate wasn’t kind to me this semester.

Anyway, I am also a PASS leader for Microeconomics, which is fun, and some of my students had their mid semester test today. There were mixed feelings on how ready each student was feeling, however I had confidence in my teachings and reassured them that they will do well – like a mother duck letting her little ducks go over the hill and far away… Only more endearing, of course.

I also had a council meeting today for MONSU. It was very thorough and informative. You can really see behind the scenes of the parties, activities and services and see that there is a lot of planning and effort put into enhancing the student experience at uni.

Finally, my second in-class test for Personal Financial Planning was today. I have another mid semester test tomorrow for Investment Banking. It's all about prioritising study time and allocating time fairly between the two. Tip: Start studying early or have ongoing familiarisation – it’s very helpful!


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