A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Sarah: Unofficial "catch up on assignments" day

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Another day off from uni, filled with studying, socialising and committee meetings. I decided that today would be my “unofficial catch up on assignments day’’. So after having my daily oats for breakfast, I drove to uni full of energy and hopefulness that today would be the day that I “broke the back” of my assignments.

Unfortunately, finding a park today proved to be a challenge, but my persistence eventually paid off (15 minutes later…). I then walked purposefully towards to the library with one thing on my mind: assignments! Thankfully I found a seat relatively quickly and started researching the effectiveness of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in facilitation international trade. This research legal memorandum is worth 30% of my total mark and is due next week. On top of this, I was also working on a 7,000 word research proposal for business law and taxation.

After spending some time researching I decided to take a break and catch up with one of my girlfriends. We then decided to study together and before I knew it I was required to attend and chair the Monash Entrepreneurs committee meeting. Key topics of discussion included cash management, sponsorship opportunities and upcoming event proposals. We also discussed the successes of the entrepreneurs event last week where the founder of Moshi Electronics spoke to the entrepreneurial community about his greatest successes and realisations.

After my committee meeting I decided to go shopping and relax. I then went home to continue working on my assignments.

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