A blog by Monash Business students

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Julia: Hectic Wednesday

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Today was a bit of a hectic day.

First of all, I spent the morning working at Club Solutions as an intern. I got the position by applying for the Monash BusEco Business Internship Program and was lucky enough to be successful. Whilst it is a very small company, I love the experience that I am getting. Despite the fact that I am an intern, my ideas are always valued, and to my surprise I actually haven't done any photocopying yet! But to be honest, my favourite part is being able to wear sophisticated clothing – I feel so grown up.

This afternoon I had a big presentation for my marketing communications subject. As it is about creativity we thought that we’d use ‘prezi’ to make our presentation ‘creative’. However my partner has a MacBook and I have a dinosaur PC, so it was quite a challenge trying to get the Mac and PC to speak to each other! Doing the presentation so early in the semester was quite a challenge as my brain doesn’t usually kick in until week six, however getting it over and done with is a huge relief.

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