A blog by Monash Business students

Friday, 4 September 2015

Katelyn: It's a juggling act

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Trying to prioritise assignments, tests, normal class work, work, extra-curricular activities and your social life is hard work. I write lots of lists and am always changing them, re-prioritising and re-organising my schedule. It helps to have a planner so I don’t forget anything.

For example, today I’ve got cupcake decorating, work for a few hours then I’m seeing a movie with my sister. I also have to study for a test next week! It’s a busy day and it helps to get to campus early so I have an hour to study before I have to do everything.

I’m really excited about the cupcake decorating activity that I’ll be doing as part of Non-Residential Colleges. We get to decorate a cupcake, eat it, and then put a note up on the Gratitude Tree, which is all part of our Random Acts of Kindness Week.

It’s good to be involved in social clubs like this. I always have fun, have met so many new friends and have been given the chance to take part in training workshops to develop my skills in leadership, teamwork and communication.

Being a part of social and leadership programs is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. I’ve learnt so many new things from people with lots of different perspectives. I couldn’t imagine my uni life without these programs and the great activities I get to take part in!

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