A blog by Monash Business students

Friday 26 February 2016

Henry: O-Week social events

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For many first year students like myself, heading to university without knowing too many people can be a bit daunting. But after this week, I’m not feeling as scared, because there have been plenty of social events to make the transition a little easier.

I’ve been to two MSA-hosted events – the first one was a BBQ on Clayton campus, and the second was a trip to Luna Park!

Monash BBQ Event at the Clayton Campus
The BBQ event was a lot smaller than the Luna Park event, however the smallness of it meant that I could talk to the other students, and we even watched a move together later on! The Luna Park event was also lots of fun, and really good price - $25 with MSA card for unlimited rides!

Even though I went to the Luna Park event with friends from school, I still had the opportunity to meet new people as I waited in line for my turn on the rides. I even had the chance to catch up with other people who I hadn’t seen during O-Week, due to their faculty scheduling orientation on different days.

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