A blog by Monash Business students

Thursday 19 May 2016

Henry: Break!

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With exams coming up in three weeks time, what better way to procrastinate than to think about what I’m going to be doing for the upcoming break xD

As soon as I finish my last exam on the 17th of June, I’ll be making my way to catch up with my friends since university is draining most of us. We have already scheduled a dinner meetup during SWOTVAC, however I think we also need time to cool our heads!

My break, though, won’t just be consisting of catching up with friends, getting back into exercise or watching the latest sitcom, I’ll also be doing some volunteering over the break as well as heading over to a mid-year retreat! During the semester, I was lucky enough to be elected as a Subcommittee Member of the Economics Student Society of Australia, and during the break, the whole society is planning on heading to a mid-year retreat (location hasn’t been finalised, but I’m super excited to be planning it right now)! It should be a good stress-reliever, whilst we develop closer bonds with other committee members.

On top of all of this, I’m also getting my wisdom teeth pulled out over the break, which I’m definitely not looking forward to. But at least getting my wisdom teeth pulled out sounds better than finishing off this last essay for one of my subjects… or is it? Either way, I guess it’s back to work for me! #Week11Struggles

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