A blog by Monash Business students

Friday 20 May 2016

Henry: Realisations

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Today is the last day of Week 11… meaning that next week is Week 12 and the last week before SWOTVAC! I don’t really know what to expect of these end of semester exams as a first year, since I’ve never completed one before, however I have started preparing for them (whether I’ve started early or late, I’m not too sure)!

For anyone out there that’s looking forward to uni in the future, it’s good to understand that studying for exams at university isn’t simply regurgitating practice exam after practice exam. Instead, it’s also about learning how to apply the concept to new situations, especially in Microeconomics! At university, you’ll be lucky to have past exams available to you, so you’ve got to ensure you’ve got a sound study regime, especially since keeping to your study habits from high school won’t exactly yield the best results possible.

My study techniques vary between my two degrees. For my Biomedical Science subjects, I’m mainly creating questions based on lecture slides and answering them using lecture slide or textbook material. However for my Commerce subjects, I’m mainly thinking of examples of how to explain certain concepts, or just going over videos explaining the concept.

Of course, everybody has their own study techniques and I can’t say that mine are perfect. However, I’ve been trying to experiment with what works and what doesn’t to make the most out of the time left to study for exams.

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