A blog by Monash Business students

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Ellie: Fourth-year perks

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Tuesdays are my longest and probably most tiring day of the week this semester! It’s an early morning start for my Monetary Economics lecture at 9am. The traffic is always quite busy so I have to leave extra early. I'd normally park at the Synchrotron, but since I'm here till 6, it looks like I'm going for the all-day parking!

This morning’s lecture was stimulating but challenging to get my head around. Plus, all I could think about was my 10-page case study due this afternoon!

My next class is Financial Law. I really enjoy this class and the concepts are great. Afterwards, I raced to one of the computer rooms at Menzies to work on my case study assignment for Marketing. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I leave things to the last minute like a typical uni student.

Even though I’m stressing about my case study, I still made sure to not miss out on lunch. I love the cafes and places to eat at uni, so I grab something and continue on my case analysis. It takes me ages but I finally get it done!

I have my Monetary Eco tute next, then my three hour Marketing seminar where my case is due. This is one of the most draining times of the day - definately a case of 3.30-itis!

6pm rolls around and I'm finally done for the day.

Perks of being at uni: this is my only full day at uni for the week! Go fourth year!

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