A blog by Monash Business students

Monday 11 August 2014

Antony: Playing catch-up (already?)

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Mondays are one of my days off from uni, yet I spent yesterday going through some of my readings. Now before people start thinking that I don’t have a life, I should mention that I missed the first week of classes as my escape to the warm weather and cheap food of Malaysia carried over to the start of semester. Aside from adjusting to the cold and rainy Melbourne winter, I’ve had to get straight back into the rigours of uni life, where readings feature prominently!

Fortunately, my lecturers didn’t delve too deep into the unit content during week 1. The content covered usually scrapes the surface of the unit; outlining the assessment structure, tutors’ consultation times and the direction of the subject matter. But with some preliminary assessments around the corner, I think its best that I keep on top of my workload early so as to minimise the chaos of essays and exams later in the semester!

Goodbye holiday mode (for now)!

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