A blog by Monash Business students

Monday 19 October 2015

Mangala: About me

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Hi there, I’m Mangala. Although I am of Chinese descent, my birthplace is Jakarta, Indonesia and my name is derived from Sanskrit, the language of traditional Indians. Evidently, my parents wanted me to be multicultural.

I am currently in my first year of a double degree in Commerce and Economics, as part of the Dean’s Scholars Program. I am majoring in Actuarial studies and Accounting as I haven’t quite decided whether my dream job is to be an actuarial consultant or a tax auditor.

I am involved in a number of activities on campus. Currently, I am a subcommittee member of the Monash Actuarial Students’ Society and I’m also part of the Non-Residential Colleges and the Indonesian Students Association.

One of my biggest passions (aside from card magic) is leadership, and I’m currently involved in the Monash Minds Leadership Program and PWC Student Leadership Program. I am still lost for words at the number of extracurricular opportunities available at Monash – for me, clubs and activities have played a key role in making the transition from high school to university. The students at Monash are also so welcoming as well and they’re willing to help in any way they can, which has made my first year experience at Monash so much less daunting!

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