A blog by Monash Business students

Monday 9 May 2016

Mangala: About me

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Hi there, I’m Mangala. Although I am of Chinese descent, my birthplace is Jakarta, Indonesia and my name is derived from Sanskrit, the language of traditional Indians. Evidently, my parents wanted me to be multicultural!

I am currently in my second year of my double degree in Commerce and Economics as part of the Dean’s Scholars Program. I am majoring in Actuarial studies and Accounting as I haven’t quite decided whether I want to become an actuarial consultant or a tax auditor.

I am involved in a number of activities on campus. Currently, I am the Events Director for the Monash Actuarial Students’ Society, which is A LOT of work in itself!!! On top of that, I am pursuing my passions for leadership by being involved in the Ancora Imparo Leadership Program and the PAL Ambassadors’ Program.

I continue to be gobsmacked at the number of extracurricular opportunities available at Monash- clubs and activities played a key role for me in making the leap from high school to university. I absolutely love the vibe at Monash University – it really gives me a warm and welcoming feeling every time I head over to my campus!

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